KeenaArchive Database Reduction


  • Single Sign-On
    User-Defined roles by admin

  • Platform Agnostic
    Integrates with most EHR/PM systems

  • Secure
    Hosted in a SOC 2 certified environment

  • Automated Reductions
    You set the frequency and data requirements

  • Enhanced Data Control
    Delete information that is past HIPAA and in-house retention policies

  • Search Integration
    Full search functionality linked to KeenaArchive for clinical, financial, and legal needs

  • Scalable Customization
    Implementations for your unique needs that scale with org-specific data challenges

  • Efficient Release of Records
    Search, compile and distribute records quickly and easily

  • Ongoing Automated Reductions
    You set the frequency and data requirements

Automate the Process of
Database Reduction

If you’ve been with the same EHR vendor for several years, your patient data has likely built up to a point where your system performance is impacted. This results in a ripple effect that creates inefficiencies across departments, impacts your quality of care, and increases costs to manage the day-to-day operations of a busy clinic. Complicating the situation, most organizations don’t have the data tools or staff to manage the growing volume of records.

KeenaArchive Database Reduction solution is a vendor agnostic application that automates the process of transferring historical patient data into a secure and reliable centralized data warehouse, accessible as needed through an intuitive archival dashboard. By freeing up valuable storage space on your primary EHR/PM database, Keena’s database reduction tool will lighten the day-today workload of clinical, administrative and IT staff, and keep them all focused on managing records that matter the most to your organization.

Contact us to learn more about implementing KeenaArchive Database Reduction

KeenaArchive Database Reduction Benefits

  • Reduced Risk
    Enable org-defined record deletion that are past HIPAA retention and in-house policies, reducing legal exposure
  • Decreases Staffed IT Workload
    Reduce infrastructure management and costly server requirements
  • Improves Organizational Workflow
    Enable access to archival data in a single click to use as and when needed
  • Ensure Care Continuity
    Link to patients eMPI to get a complete picture of the patient clinical experience
  • Flexes With Practice Growth Needs
    Enable the practice to flex with its growing (or declining) needs through direct management of the frequency and data requirements for automated database reduction
  • Improves Practice Efficiency
    Keep organizational focus only on those records that matter the most

Maintain Secure and Efficient Access to Historical Records

In addition to a data reduction management system, clients will also have access to KeenaArchive and its intuitive clinical and financial dashboards. The archival tool will enable clients from multiple departments to easily filter, organize, output, and interact with your aggregated historical database. Maintain years of secure patient records in KeenaArchive without a drag on your core EHR system performance.


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