Operations & Clinical Automation

Focused on Improving Financial
Performance in Healthcare

System and Business Automation

We specialize in identifying cost-saving, user-friendly opportunities that automate manual processes for our healthcare clients. Working with new and mature technologies, the solutions we provide are robust, comprehensive and manageable. Years of experience consistently confirm: fine-tuning business processes with data automation is the best way for an organization to save time and money. When the limitations of your EHR fall short of your reporting requirements or require too much of your staffs’ time clicking away, work with us to get exactly what you need with automated scripts. Keena has written hundreds of reports and scripts in nearly every possible variation and offers many levels of services for any EHR or PM system based on your specialized needs.

Data Automation


Cost-Saving, User-Friendly Opportunities that Automate Manual Process for Our Healthcare clients


Read our latest whitepaper on automation:

Download Whitepaper

Working with new and mature technologies, the solutions we provide are robust, comprehensive and manageable. Years of experience consistently confirm: fine-tuning business processes with data automation is the best way for an organization to save time and money.

The Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) estimates that U.S. Healthcare industry can save an additional $11 billion annually in automating business processes around claims and eligibility data. To learn more about our latest automation whitepaper: “How You’re Leaving Money on the Table and What to Do About It.”

We turned to Keena as we’ve done in the past to help us solve an organizational workflow problem – in this case, managing expanded CPTII coding requirements.

Keena delivered an automated solution to meet our needs in 4-months! The solution significantly reduced our time to manage new requirements, improved our quality scores, and resulted in an increase reimbursement levels for the organization.

It’s certainly one of the contributing factors to the Jackson Clinic achieving its 5-Star Quality rating with BC/BS of Tennessee.”


business-person working in finance and accounting

Clinical Automation

When the limitations of your EHR fall short of your reporting requirements, or require too much of your staffs time clicking away, work with us to get exactly what you need with automation. Keena has written hundreds of reports and scripts in nearly every possible variation and offers many levels of services for any EHR or PM system based on your specialized needs. Samples of the solutions we have created for our clients:

Our Offerings

  • Patient Problem Cleanup
    Automatically resolve patient problems lists by implementing clinic rules and specified time allotments. Once installed will also work retrospectively to cleanup all charts in your system.
  • Custom Reports
    Examples include: controlled meds tracking, patient tracking org report, wellness reports, outstanding documentation report, outstanding billing reporting, payer specific requirements reports and staff productivity reports.
  • Data Clean-Up
    Resolves results that no longer need to be verified, documents that don’t need to be signed or patient demographic data dumps or clearing out fields.
  • Automated Account Provisioning
    Standardize setup of user accounts while adhering to protocols to seamlessly grant and manage access to EHR and and PM systems.
  • CPTII Automation
    Analyzes patient chart details to automatically add-in the qualifying CPTII codes for reimbursement or quality reporting.
  • Portal Offering Documentation
    Adjusts the patient’s portal flag documenting that access was offered.
  • Reassigning of Tasks
    Reassigns charge tasks based on encounter insurance and/or provider.
  • Document Recognition
    Automatically completes orders or assigns tasks based on documents added into a patient chart.


Operations Automation

Keena’s claims processing is a proprietary automation system using Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to handle the mundane and complex manual tasks of processing claims. Through our years of experience across many payors we have identified and mastered all the unique characteristics and requirements necessary for successful claims submissions.

100% Audit

Reliably and easily evaluate paid claims on a periodic basis for potential errors in pricing. Our automated system handles payer outreach, creating a cost-effective way to review overpaid claims and recoup misspent funds.

In the past 12 months, one client has used 100% Audit to identify more than 13,000 overpaid claims—resulting in requests for recovery of more than $3 million. Since starting the process in 2010, our client has requested recovery on more than $14 million in overpaid claims.

Claims Attribution

Match patients to their ideal Primary Care Physician through automated analysis of provider encounter history. With Claims Attribution, ACOs have better visibility into patient care and can better measure PCP performance, resulting in simplified administration and improved patient experience.

Since 2017 we have matched over 80,000 patients to a PCP for our client.

Web Automation

Easily upload, process, analyze and report on web-based data and operations. We build programs that automate payer claims, integrate CMS data and report on ACO requirements.


  • Better Claims Management
    Reduce claims turnaround time

  • Claims Viewer
    See & search all payor claims in one location

  • No More Errors
    Eliminate reliance on human claims processing

  • Error Resolution Tool
    Quickly view all claims errors in one location

  • Redirect Employees
    Apply your team to higher value tasks

  • Comprehensive Reports
    Offer insight into claims processing analysis

  • Get Claims Alerts
    Monitor claims issues and provide notification

Operations & Clinical Automation Insights



How You’re Leaving Money on the Table and What to Do About It

A smart and assertive automation plan can reduce the financial burden of administration in your business and allow employees to focus on value-add areas.

Case Studies


A Complex CPTII Coding Automation Solution

Keena created a custom data solution for The Jackson Clinic to link CPTII codes to visit charges automatically.


  • Improved quality reporting and reimbursement levels.
  • Significant reduction in CPTII coding submission errors.
  • Consistent incremental improvements in patient care.


CPTII Coding Automation Solution

Gessler Clinic collaborated with Keena to create an automated CPTII coding solution, reducing billing staff BP/BMI coding labor and allowing them to refocus their time on more productive activities.


  • Managed a significant increase in BP/BMI metrics.
  • Errant and omitted CPTII coding metrics were significantly decreased.
  • Insurers/CMS scores and reimbursement levels improved and were maintained at consistently high levels.


CPTII Coding Requirements Drive Workflow Changes

Murfeesboro Medical Clinical collaborated with Keena to create a CPTII coding tool to automate manual coding attestation processes


  • MMC saw an immediate and significant decrease in the time required to accurately submit CPTII codes for all 10 metrics.
  • Both CPTII coding and provider staff were freed up to focus on more product and efficient activities.

2024 Top Scoring Vendor Best in KLAS for Technical Services

Keena Healthcare Technology Technical Services