Altera & Veradigm Bulletin
V22 Preparations and
Vaccine Workflows
Welcome Ian Vankirk

Ian Vankirk
Lead Barcode Reader Product Specialist,
Consulting Services
Welcome Ian Vankirk
We are excited to announce an addition to our team–Ian Vankirk! Ian brings over 16 years of clinical IT experience with focus on TouchWorks (TWEHR) including Prescription, Clinical Transactions, and Business Analysts knowledge. As a well-known expert in the TouchWorks client community, we know many of you are as excited as we are!
Additionally, Ian has worked closely with SureScripts during ongoing SCRIPT standard modifications and helped improved numerous medication workflows within TWEHR. He also hosted monthly client calls addressing client facing issues and providing feedback on future updates. Ian is joining as our lead Barcode Reader Product Specialist and providing clients with consulting services.
TWEHR V22 Homework
Almost every client will be upgrading their TWEHR system prior to October 1, 2023 to version 22.
Whether you are coming from V20 or V19.4, we have some helpful tips on ways you can proactively prepare!
Coming from v20
- ✓ Build up staff CPT favorites for the enhancement of Charge CPT Favorites being brought forward on Charge Screen
- We recommend < 20 items
- Keena can pull a list of the top 50 CPTs per billing provider for the last year to help in this analysis
- ✓ Submit Enc Form & Sign Note related tasks become active once the task becomes overdue
- Conduct decision making efforts early to prepare for how you will adjust the overdue timeframes on these tasks so they are meaningful
- ✓ Tasking Grid is retired, Inbox will become permanent replacement
- Consider enforcing this change prior to the v22 go-live to reduce support efforts
- This would be done via:
- Removing Page: Tasks security code from classifications
- Educating staff to Show the Inbox in the Site Map OR Keena has a script that can automate this for all currently users and can be setup to be automated nightly to ensure new users have this shown automatically
Coming from v19.4
Keena has a homework list for this too, but there is too much to list! We recommend scheduling a Path to Success call with Christine Piper to discuss each item. This is a free offering from Keena and is recommended 9+ months prior to go-live.
Schedule a Call with Christine
Got a TWEHR Question,
Tip or Trick?
Send Us a Note →
Barcode Reader
The Next Level of Vaccine and MedAdmin Management
The holidays are here and with that comes Flu Season. EHR Barcode Reader streamlines the administration of immunizations and medications to help ensure patient safety. Utilizing 2D barcode reader technology, this application instantly collects medication or vaccine data and populates key fields in your EHR including NDC, lot and expiration date for improved clinical workflow. Save time, reduce unnecessary keystrokes, and eliminate costly data entry errors. Built in safeguards ensure that the right vial is given to the right patient at the right time.
With regulations like the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) that mandates documentation of vaccine product identification and lot number, a tool like EHR Barcode Reader will save time, reduce unnecessary keystrokes, and eliminate costly data entry errors. EHR Barcode Reader will free up your clinical staff to focus on your value-based care goals.
Past/New Bulletins
Automating Document Management,
Printout Tips & Advisory Services
Interface Engine Migration,
v20 Upgrades and Crystal Report Tip
When we first opened our Covid-19 vaccination clinic, we were processing 90-100 patients per day utilizing (4) Medical Scribe/RN teams and support from our pharmacy. Since then, we relocated into an improved workspace and made a couple workflow adjustments, then implemented EHR Barcode Reader. With Barcode Reader we’ve significantly reduced manual data entry clicks and streamlined our data collection and billing workflow. We are now consistently processing 450-500 patients per day with the same work crew!”